Thursday, May 06, 2010

Chaya Parippu Vada

Mastered the art of making parippu vadas, a traditional Kerala snack.

This is the YouTube video that helped me achieve this:
(Please note, this video is in Malayalam.)

Birthday Cake

This is an edge of my birthday cake.
I really love these photographs taken by my friend Shamith Mukundan on my birthday. (California, 03/28/2010)

Amazing clarity and truly pleasing colors!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Beyond Words

Now this was taken on my way to Kanyakumari.

The meeting of land, water and sky....

I think this picture speaks for I don't think I need to say more.


This is the result of an experimentation.

I wasn't sure how to switch off the, doing the only thing I could think of to get rid of the flash, I put my finger over it and took the snap....well, tada!...this is what I ended up with. Atleast now I know for sure what will happen if you cover the flash.. =)

I think it looks beautiful...mysterious....ooh...

This was taken in the hotel room that we stayed in at Madurai.

What you see is a mirror and the bright spot in the middle is my camera.

I like the whole glowing effect. I feel its much better than what I would have got if I'd taken it in the normal fashion....some blunders can result in such marvelous outcomes, don't you think?

So, the moral is....don't be afraid to try something new..! Invent...Discover!

three cheers for CONTRAST!!

Well, if you are wondering what the hell is this....whats so great?

Let me tell you, this snap is very special to me....because of the colour contrast. I simply love the way the magenta and white stand out against the dark! On enlargening the snap you may(?!) notice that the image is slightly But colour is colour....and the contrast is all that matters to me. Keep it up Nivedita...haha

Oh, by the way, the hand holding the flower belongs to my mother....She's always ready to support me with all my crazy this one...Thanks Ma!

Like Family

This truly is something, right? Came in one of the forwards.


This is a snap of Tiruvanamalai....taken just before leaving.

Tiruvanamalai is a pilgrim center in Tamil Nadu. We(my family) had gone there to visit the ashram of Ramana Maharshi.

I had only read his life was great to visit the place for real.

Wish I could have taken snaps of the ashram...its simply beautiful. Whats beautiful is that everything is so simple...and well, there are so many, many, many (!) peacocks and pea-hens walking about freely. Wow...! It was simply amazing. Until then I had never come in such close contact with them. The colour, grace...simply spectacular.....I'm out of words....