Saturday, July 09, 2005


This is the result of an experimentation.

I wasn't sure how to switch off the, doing the only thing I could think of to get rid of the flash, I put my finger over it and took the snap....well, tada!...this is what I ended up with. Atleast now I know for sure what will happen if you cover the flash.. =)

I think it looks beautiful...mysterious....ooh...

This was taken in the hotel room that we stayed in at Madurai.

What you see is a mirror and the bright spot in the middle is my camera.

I like the whole glowing effect. I feel its much better than what I would have got if I'd taken it in the normal fashion....some blunders can result in such marvelous outcomes, don't you think?

So, the moral is....don't be afraid to try something new..! Invent...Discover!


The Comeback Kid said...

Think the other lamp should have been in the picture...that should have added to the one anyway

Prakash Gopan V said...

The lamp and the filtered light looks good. This picture is giving me ideas.

stripe said...

hi ,

its been long time since i visited your blogger site.. yeah !
there are lot of things to read and to see. ( i mean the pictures. )

good ones..

So... you have been to Tiruvannamalai. ? that is a nice place to visit.. did you went up hill.. or circumabulate it.. that place is charged with spiritual energy.. there are lot of Sannyasis, lot of masters living at that place...